Max Myanmar Group received Best Sustainability Strategy Myanmar 2020 Award by CFI.co (Capital Finance International)
June 29, 2020
Signing Ceremony For ” Yangon – Mandalay Railway Line Improvement Project Phase I
November 19, 2018
U Zaw Zaw Met With The Ambassador Of Germany To Myanmar H.E. Mrs.Dorothee Janetzke – Wenzel
U Zaw Zaw, Executive Chairman of Max Myanmar Group together with Mr. Azeem M. Azimuddin, CFO of AYA Financial Group, met with the Ambassador of Germany to Myanmar H.E. Mrs.Dorothee Janetzke – Wenzel and First Secretary Mr. Oliver Hoos at Chairman Office at Novotel Yangon Max Hotel on 7th November 2018 and discussed cordially issues regarding Business Opportunity and Financial Sector.