Giving Back For The Greater Good
Preparing for natural disasters
We always encourage open, honest and continual dialogue with local communities to achieve mutual understanding and cooperation.
We also work with local hospitals, dispensaries, civic associations which provide health care services and the local authorities.
Community Engagement
In addition, we invite local communities to participate in some of our training programmes, such as firefighting and workplace health and safety.
As a responsible employer, the safety of our employees is a top priority. We conduct safety training for all levels of employees to be responsible for the environment and the communities in which we live and work. Management sets up strict operational procedures and safety measurements, which are thoroughly and regularly checked by our inspection teams.
Integral to our values and principles is the protection of our environment. Max Myanmar adheres to all relevant environmental legislation and regulations; and works at minimizing environmental impact.
Green Practices
Subscribing to corporate sustainability is an ongoing commitment. It is an ideal that is deeply embedded in our processes, culture and behavior. It goes beyond compliance with laws and regulations… to adherence to ethical behavior, with transparency and responsibility.
Our individual companies contribute in their own way to the less fortunate. For instance, Novotel Yangon Max Hotel is donating the award money from “Creating Job Opportunity for Disabled People” to the solar-powered “Light for Life” project which serves areas lacking electricity. Working with local hospitals, dispensaries, the International Red Cross, and other civic associations and charities, Max Myanmar is committed to providing a significant and meaningful contribution to the social well-being of the nation. Community engagement also comprises the provision of structures that facilitate career development and create job opportunities for young people. Max Myanmar also invites local communities to participate in the company’s training programs, such as fire-fighting and occupational health and safety.
- In Max Myanmar Holding Co., Ltd, corporate social responsibility refers to the responsibilities and activities where positive impacts are sought to be produced in the human rights, labor practices, organizational governance, fair business practices, community involvement, social and economic development, consumer benefits, and environmental issues.
We are determined to take these responsibilities and activities through well-crafted policies, plans, procedures, implementation, collective actions, monitoring, and revision for the greatest benefits for all.
In Max Myanmar Holding Co., Ltd, will hold that we must integrate our business values, objectives, strategies, and operations to serve and satisfy not only to our employees, customers, investors, and suppliers, but particularly to the local community, society, and the environment where we do our business as we believe such social, environmental, and economic responsibilities and activities are integral to sustainability of our business.
Further, we want to ensure that while striving for a highest level of business performance, we uphold the values of honesty, fairness, and mutual benefits to our society in the way we conduct our business.
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For awareness of Max Myanmar Group’s Commitments to CSR and generating publicity around organization, our CSR Team is led by CSR officer Aung Myo Khine and responsible for defining and developing the strategies which underpin our Group’s CSR objectives.
Report to Governance Committee
- Review by Chief Social Responsibility Officers
- Review and revise CSR Strategy and plans
Assessment for CSR Activities
- Sustainability Reporting by
- Annual Assessment by MCRB for Pwint-this-sa project
- KPIs

Long-term policies:
- Visions & Mission with corporate objectives
- Corporate Code of Conduct
Medium-term policy
- CSR Strategy and action plans
Max Group’s CSR Initiatives
- Each company across Max Group implements programs and measures relating to key CSR issues.