Ayeyarwady Foundation contributes 10 million MMK and other necessary supplies to South Okkalapa Hospital for Covid-19 Prevention and Treatment
October 14, 2020
Covid-19 Test and Laboratory Center at Taik Kyi is built and donated by Ayeyarwady Foundation
October 19, 2020Purchase of US$ 2 millions Equipments for fight against Covid-19
The Ayeyarwady Foundation, under the leadership of the Ministry of Health and Sports, has set up a 1,000-bed Covid-19 Temporary Treatment Center and Test and Care Center to overcome the Covid-19 crisis. More than 700 volunteers including doctors, nurses and medical officers are working hard in these centers.
Ayeyarwady Foundation purchased Equipments and Materials worth US$ (2) million for Covid-19 Preventive and Treatment measures including (1250) units of Hospital beds, (200) units of ICU / HDU beds, ICU / HDU Monitor and Wireless Control System; Tents that can be used as a hospital building; (20) tons of Liquid Oxygen Storage Tank and other materials; PPE and N95 Masks. AYA Bank and Max Myanmar Group have donated the required US $ 2 million to The Ayeyarwady Foundation for the purchase and have entered into contracts with importing companies. Some pre-ordered items will arrive within a week and all pre-orders will arrive within 3 weeks.