Ayeyarwady Foundation proudly honoured 50 million MMK to health workers against COVID-19 crisis in Myanmar
April 30, 2020
Ayeyarwady Foundation helps cash aids to families of COVID-19’s victims
May 16, 2020Ayeyarwady Founditon suppilies rice and foodstuffs to children and general workers
Ayeyarwady Foundation has contributed rice aids and other foodstuffs, valued at 30 million MMK, to 2,000 of children and general workers in Yangon, as a must support to communities agianst COVID-19.
The foundation has driven its steps this time for supporting rice and foodstuffs to the children from Kyaik Waing Youth Traning School and general workers from Okkalapa Golf Course, City Golf Course and Dagon Golf Course as they have struggled their livelihoods because of closing the golf courses during this pandemic spreads.