“We are always Myanmar wherever we are” U Zaw Zaw
May 29, 2020
Max Energy offered special price for health workers, ambulances, CSOs and taxi drivers in COVID-19 crisis
June 2, 2020Ayeyarwady Foundation continues aids for migrants in Myawaddy and Yamethin
Ayeyarwady Foundation continues contributions against COVID-19 crisis in Myanmar, arranging the accommodations for 200 migrant workers who returned from Thailand as they were in difficulties to ease for quarantine in border town Myawaddy.
The foundation provided the quarantine facilities in four buildings, owned by Max Myanmar in Myawaddy, Kayin State, for quarantine facilities and help cash aid of 20,000 MMK for their transportation to home after quarantine. The foundation also contributed 100 carpets and 10 million MMK to the quarantine centers in Myawaddy, where more supports were importantly and urgently needed, through U Tay Zar Aung, administrator of Myawaddy district.
During the time of coronavirus crisis, reasonable management for migrant workers must play in a key role as many of them returned home. Ayeyerwady Foundation constantly takes its efforts into action to help them as much as it could reach. Yamethin township of Mandalay region is also a place where many migrants returned in this crisis. With a request of Dr. Myint Myint Maw, Head of Health Department from Yamethin township and Secretary of COVID-19 Committee, Ayeyarwady Foundation, through the staffs from AYA Bank, contributed cash aid of three million MMK for 539 returnees of migrants, along with 200 rice bags and other food stuffs.