Medical Requirements contribution to COVID-19 affected townships in Chin State by Ayeyarwady Foundation
April 24, 2020
Ayeyarwady Foundation proudly honoured 50 million MMK to health workers against COVID-19 crisis in Myanmar
April 30, 2020Ayeyarwady Foundation aids 50 Protective Chambers to the hospitals in Myanmar
Ayeyarwady Foundation has already aided 50 protective chambers worth 30 million MMK to the hospitals in Myanmar, where health workers have been collecting COVID-19 specimens throughout the country as a move of being safe and protective for the health workers, on 24th of April.
Ayeyarwady Foundation's chairperson U Zaw Zaw, his family and Foundation's Trustee Prof. Dr. Zaw Wai Soe presented this contribution to Pro-rector of the University of Medicine 1 Professor Dr Myint Myint Nyein, and Deputy Director-General of Yangon Region Public Health and Medical Services Department Dr Tun Myint.
With highly respect, Ayeyarwady Foundation would like to express the sincere thanks to Myanmar Glass & Aluminium Association (MGAA) which actively cooperated for making the protective chambers, helping us without charges of their hard works.