Max Myanmar’s 25th Kahtein Robe and Offerings Festival
November 16, 2018
AC road construction were carried out during night-time to reduce the traffic volume and to enhance road safety
November 9, 2019
Max Myanmar’s 25th Kahtein Robe and Offerings Festival
November 16, 2018
AC road construction were carried out during night-time to reduce the traffic volume and to enhance road safety
November 9, 2019Continuous Relief for Mon Flood Victims
To effectively address the continuing difficulties faced by the victims of recent floods, members of Ayeyarwady Foundation went to affected townships of Mawlamyine, Yay and Belin on August 12, 2019 to help the flood victims who lost their homes and facing a lot of difficulties.
Ayeyarwady Foundation was among the forerunners rushing to the scene with relief commodities such as rice, oil, clean water and noodles for the victims of recent flood. Besides, Ayeyarwady Foundation contributed Kyat 100 lakhs and 100 rice bags to Mon State Flood Relief Committee led by Chief Minister, 50 rice bags to Belin Flood Relief Committee, Kyat 100 lakhs and essential items for Yay Township victims via Mon State Hluttaw Deputy Speaker Dr. Aung Naing Oo and Mon state Social Welfare Organizations.
Ayeyarwady Foundation is working closely with the local organizations for further flood relief and rehabilitation processes.