Ambassador of Israel to the Republic of the Union of Myanmar and embassy officials visited Ayeyarwady Center
October 14, 2020
Ayeyarwady Foundation contributes 10 million MMK and other necessary supplies to South Okkalapa Hospital for Covid-19 Prevention and Treatment
October 14, 2020H.E. Ms. Alessandra Schiavo, Italian Ambassador to the Republic of the Union of Myanmar and U Zaw Zaw, Chairman of Ayeyarwady Foundation held an online meeting
H.E. Ms. Alessandra Schiavo, Italian Ambassador to the Republic of the Union of Myanmar and U Zaw Zaw, Chairman of Ayeyarwady Foundation held an online meeting. The Italian Ambassador thanked for the opportunity to observe the activities of Ayeyarwady Center by embassy officials. She would like to assist the doctors in the ICU and HDU treatment centers as much as possible and she also like to share the COVID 19 situation and treatment experience in Italy. Health workers will also be provided with ICU and HDU training by Italian doctors and specialists, and necessary assistance.
U Zaw Zaw said that Ayeyarwady Center is operating under the guidance of the Ministry of Health and Sports (MOHS). The Ambassador's plan will be submitted to the Ministry and cooperation will be provided. U Zaw Zaw said that he would be responsible for accommodation and meals when doctors and medical professionals from Italy arrived with permission.