Ayeyarwady Foundation supplies rice and foodstuffs to children and general workers
May 15, 2020
Ayeyarwady Foundation continues cash aid of 15 million MMK to Pathein hospital
May 22, 2020Ayeyarwady Foundation helps cash aids to families of COVID-19's victims
Ayeyarwady Foundation has stood to help cash aids of 500,000 MMK each to 19 families of COVID-19's victims in Myanmar during this notorious crisis globally
Chairperson U Zaw Zaw and Executive Member Prof. Dr. Zaw Wai Soe from the foundation discussed with the officials of Prof. Dr. Sabal Phyu from Waibargi hospital and Dr. Win Maw Oo, head of South Okkalapa hospital, and the foundation contributed cash aids to the families in need, whose family members were found positive of coronavirus.
Foundation also deeply would like to mention its sincere thanks to every supportive activity of respective persons for bringing this contribution into reality.