H.E. Ms. Alessandra Schiavo, Italian Ambassador to the Republic of the Union of Myanmar and U Zaw Zaw, Chairman of Ayeyarwady Foundation held an online meeting
October 14, 2020
Purchase of US$ 2 millions Equipments for fight against Covid-19
October 19, 2020Ayeyarwady Foundation contributes 10 million MMK and other necessary supplies to South Okkalapa Hospital for Covid-19 Prevention and Treatment
On behalf of Ayeyarwady Foundation, Ms. Eaint Hmu Zaw and Mr. Ye Mann Zaw have contributed 10 million MMK and other necessary supplies to Dr. Win Maw Oo, Head of South Okkalapa Hospital for Covid-19 Prevention and Treatment. Ayeyarwady Foundation has constantly contributing all its resources for the people’s safety and public health during Covid-19 pandemic in Myanmar.