Ayeyarwady Foundation continues cash aid of 15 million MMK to Pathein hospital
May 22, 2020
“We are always Myanmar wherever we are” U Zaw Zaw
May 29, 2020Aids of cash, rice and foodstuffs to IDPs of Civil War Victims by Ayeyarwady Foundation
Ayeyarwady Foundation has comforted the IDPs of civil war victims from Palatwa township of Chin state by contributing aids of cash, rice and other foodstuffs.
These IDPs from their native place of Palatwa township came to Mawbi township of Yangon for their safe environment from civil war. The foundation's members, along with Yangon Regional MP U Than Aung, went to Sar Phyu Su ward, Mawbi township to meet the IDPs, comforting and encouraging over what they have faced recently and currently.
And the foundation has arranged better livelihoods here in Yangon for them by supporting 100,000 MMK to each family, with aids of rice and other foodstuffs respectively.