Our Sustainability Matrix
We analyze our impact on SDGs added a new perspective on the assessment of the most important issues for Max Myanmar by clustering under four categories such as economic, people, environment and community.
The above matrix shows the most relevant concerns for Max Myanmar that were identified in the materiality study, and that were therefore taken into consideration in preparing our sustainable strategy.

With an eye on Myanmar’s future, Max Myanmar seeks a better way of doing business achieving market leadership through exceeding the expectations of its employees, customers and local communities. Be it internal business processes, customer service or community relations, Max Myanmar’s proactive approach is a critical factor towards ensuring growth for everyone.
Through its continual restructuring, the Max Myanmar Group has become a leading institution with transparency, responsibility and good corporate governance at its core. At Max Myanmar, we ensure all our contractors, subcontractors and partners adopt our group policies on human rights, child and Occupational Health and Safety(OHS).
As a business that serves societies, we put people front and center. We are creating and developing decent jobs, strengthening skills of employees promoting diversity within the workforce, ensuring people’s health and safety, and are taking action as a responsible corporate citizen.
We believe employee is the greatest asset for our business growth and success, we develop our people by providing technical and functional trainings all the year round.
Max Myanmar also prides itself on its engagement within the community; offerinng structured career development to all employees, creation local job opportunities, and offering support to younger generations through the implementation of part-time job programs Moreover, Max Myanmar often invites local communities to participate in some of its training programs such as firefighting and OHS.
Sustaining the environment lies at the heart of Max’s sustainability efforts that we drive internally and together with our customers by improving energy and resource efficiency. This is reflected by our energy saving and protecting environmental programs. Max Myanmar therefore strives to be an environmentally responsible organization that ensures the future growth and development of any community it interacts with. With a staunch commitment to our consumers, the community and the environment, we operate our business in a socially responsible and environmentally sustainable manner. As part of this aim, Max Myanmar plans to adopt the ISO 14001:2004 Enviornment Management System within its sustainable in the near future.
Max Toll Gates implement the usage of green solar energy at more toll gates located at remote area has been put in place to reduce the pollution impact of diesel generator on environment. Max Myanmar Manufacturing upgraded its factory to new dry process has many advantages in less energy, electricity and fuel consumption.
Max Construction provide quality sustainable construction together with good project management and innovative construction ideas to enhance the sustainability via the inclusion of specific energy and environmental-friendly features and practices.