We always respect and honor the human rights of people involved in our business and, in particular, do not use or tolerate any form of harassment, bullying and violence. Max Myanmar Holdings and its subsidiaries expect to be held to a higher standard in what we do. We strive to be a responsible leader in our industry, a model-class operator for other business in Southeast Asia, a good corporate citizen and a great employer.
We care about the impact of our decisions, large and small, on those around us. This include our impact on human rights.
We acknowledge and respects the principles contained in the International Bill of Human Rights, and the International Labor Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at work. We recognize our responsibility to respect human rights and avoid complicity in human rights abuses, as stated in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and we actively participate in the United Nations Global Compact. Our Human Rights Policy reflects the Holdings commitment to conduct its business in a manner consistent with these principles and to protect and promote human rights within the company’s sphere of influence.
Embedded Link: Human Rights Policy
Max Group is developing a culture of safety by making OHS part of daily work routines, particularly for those companies where it is needed most because of the type of operations (e.g. construction). It has also created a monthly accident report which is published online. In addition, Max Group has started to map its risks across four areas: economic, people, environment, and community, to help determine where additional gaps in practice exist. Max Myanmar always care for customers’ health and safety.

We strongly believe that excellent health and safety standards of our employees directly contribute to the success of the company and as such committed to ensure a safe working environment to enhance company’s health and safety climate. We encourage that all of our employees must coordinate and comply with policies and procedures of health and safety environment.
Embedded Link: OHS Policy
We believe that creating a sustainable strategy of promotable internal talent that provides top-tier leadership talent needs an integrated, systemic approach to talent management. We drive operational efficiency through renewing our management system, digitalization and making sure our employees are skilled and efficient.

Our HR transformational strategy emphasize continuous development of corporate culture and leadership.
We support our people to seek emphasize everyone’s own responsibility for development as a means to achieve excellent results both from the individual’s as well as from the company’s perspective. As our businesses are at different portfolios, we build capabilities to respond to the challenges and needs of each business are and function, aiming at continuous renewal and operational excellence.
Embedded link: Non-Financial Highlights
Max Myanmar has a long-standing, reputation as a responsible corporate citizen. To be responsible business entity, we strive to achieve business success in ways that reveal respect for people and planet and uphold the values and high standards of ethics. We demonstrate respect for people and planet that considering long-term and short-term impacts to the environment and community when we make business decisions. We are committed to the principle of UDHR and United Nations Global Compact, the world’s largest corporate citizenship initiative.